Program Kembara Ramadan FSSB 2023

Program Kembara Ramadan FSSB 2023

Program Kembara Ramadan FSSB 2023 is an initiative that aims to spread love, kindness, and generosity during the holy month of Ramadan. This year, the program has chosen Siti Jayah, a 33-year-old single mother from Kg. Buang Sayang, Papar, as its recipient.

Siti Jayah has been going through tough times, trying to make ends meet while caring for her children. Being a single parent is not easy, especially regarding financial matters. However, she never loses hope and always keeps a positive attitude toward life.

The Program Kembara Ramadan FSSB 2023 has decided to lend a helping hand to Siti Jayah during this blessed month of Ramadan. Our team contributed the essential need for Hari Raya preparation such as cloth, cookies, and necessities to her doorstep.

We believe that it is our responsibility as fellow human beings to support and care for those in need. Siti Jayah’s struggles have touched our hearts, and we hope that our small gesture of kindness can ease her burden and bring some happiness to her and her children.

We urge everyone to participate in such initiatives and spread love and kindness to those around us, especially during the holy month of Ramadan. Let us come together and make this world a better place, one act of kindness at a time. 

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